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During my intensive Arabic language program with CET Academic Programs at the University of Jordan, I wrote a research paper analyzing the socioeconomic the effects of Palestinian and Syrian refugees on the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 

.خلال رحلتي إلى الأردن، أنجزت ورقة بحثية حول تأثير اللاجئين الفلسطينين والسوريين على الديمغرافية السكنية و إنعكاساتها على المجتمع والإقتصاد

Integration by Another Name: The Impact of Refugees on Jordan

In this paper, composed through primary and secondary research, I explore the situations and implications of three of the largest refugee populations in Jordan. By outlining the situations of Palestinians, Syrians and Iraqis I assess the effectiveness of Jordan’s under-articulated refugee policy and how these waves of refugees have affected the Kingdom’s economy and society. 

Strategic Communications Plan for Welcoming Gainesville Inc.

In this strategic communications plans for the nonprofit Welcoming Gainesville Inc., I conducted a situational analysis, communications audit through primary and secondary research to create an informed plan to address the newfound organization's communications needs. The plan includes a detailed communications strategy, strategic planning, message platform along with a timeline and budget. 

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